Shift out of overwhelm and into alignment with the Gold Coast’s leading Kinesiologists

Enter our safe, nurturing space to feel balanced, calm and empowered to be at your best

You’re here because you want to ​feel great and get more out of life..

We get it – struggling with stress, emotional blocks, or feeling stuck can be overwhelming. 

But imagine if there was a way to navigate these challenges with ease?

Kinesiology offers just that – a path to rediscover your inner strength and clarity

By tapping into your body's unique map of experiences, habits, and beliefs, our expert kinesiologists use muscle testing and gentle techniques to uncover and transform patterns that no longer serve you.

Our approach is rooted in understanding and changing these underlying patterns, allowing you to reduce stress, enhance confidence, and have a more balanced life. 

In fact, we’ve helped hundreds of people to clear and resolve issues so they can get back into the driver's seat of their life. 

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Client experience of Living Vibrance Kinesiology Gold Coast

What we can help you with

  • Living Vibrance Kinesiology Gold Coast is a safe space to leave your stress behind

    Stress, Anxiety and Overwhelm

    We work together to find the main cause of your stress.

    We understand it, solve it, and help you either change your reaction or teach your brain and body to respond in a new way.

    We can do this by using counseling techniques, looking into past traumas, understanding your lifestyle and environment, using energy medicine, or making gentle physical adjustments.

  • Living Vibrance Kinesiology Gold Coast is a safe space to explore limiting beliefs

    Limiting Beliefs and Low Self-Esteem

    Limiting beliefs and low self-esteem can affect your daily functions.

    They can stop you from moving forward, making decisions, and interacting socially.

    We work together to help you shift deeply held beliefs about yourself that are holding you back.

    Undoing mindset issues can take a little time, however, most people see changes as soon as the first session.

  • Living Vibrance Kinesiology Gold Coast help you diffuse and dissolve heavy emotions

    Heavy Emotions like Grief, Anger or Fear

    Heavy emotions like grief, anger or fear can build up in the body.

    They can also cause other physical issues or illness. In our sessions, we focus on releasing and processing these emotions so they lose some of their sting.

    We can do this in a few ways. We use counselling techniques, re-align the body, clear energetic stagnation and use Flower Essences to anchor the changes.

Our story

Hi! I’m Alicia Bardell.

I started Living Vibrance Kinesiology in 2015, after my own personal experience with family illness, grief, and self-sabotaging patterns. 

Kinesiology was one of the tools that made the biggest difference for me and I wanted to help others uncover and overcome mental and physical setbacks, through this personalised, effective mind-body medicine.

Our clinic was created for people like you who want to feel vibrant within themselves and in their everyday life. 

Our mission is to reveal and correct the drivers that are causing harm to your health, happiness and energy. 

This allows you to become the best version of yourself again.

Find out more about us here

Alicia Bardell- Gold Coast Kinesiologist for- Anxiety, Fears and Overwhelm

It’s time for you to feel vibrant again!

Our Gold Coast Kinesiologist will support you diffuse overwhelm
Living Vibrance Practitioners will support you to feel more resolved and in line with your best self

Helpful products.

  • flower-essence-products.jpg

    Flower Essence Products

    Flower Essences have unique vibrations that promote emotional, mental, and spiritual wellbeing.

    When used alongside regular kinesiology sessions, they can anchor in positive emotional changes, as well as improving clarity and confidence.

    Flower Essences can also help in dissolving fear, uncertainty, lack of confidence, or indecision. They’re natural, non-toxic, and easy to use.

    Find out more about our Flower Essence range here.

  • Download Meditation and Self Hypnosis

    Self Hypnosis and Meditations

    Self-hypnosis and visualisation meditations are powerful tools to support your healing journey and anchor in changes.

    That’s why we’ve created a range of downloadable self-hypnosis and meditation audio tracks to address some key pressure points we’ve observed in the clinic.

    Listening to these regularly when you’re in a deeply relaxed state (like when going to sleep) will help to reprogram the subconscious mind allowing you to respond differently day-to-day.

    Find out more about our self-hypnosis and meditation tracks here.

If you're ready to uncover and remove the blocks holding you back, increase your vitality, and find your calm – Living Vibrance Kinesiology is here to guide you