What Is Kinesiology Good For?

Kinesiology is a holistic practice that focuses on the interaction between mind and body to promote health and wellbeing.

By using muscle testing as a tool to explore systems and information in your body.

Kinesiology accesses and resolves a wide range of physical, emotional, and mental issues.

This powerful approach is for those wanting to uncover and address underlying stressors and imbalances affecting their inner world.

In this article, we’ll explore what kinesiology is good for and how it can help you feel more flow and vibrance in life. From alleviating anxiety, clearing emotional blocks to addressing nutritional deficiencies. Kinesiology focuses on resolutions that are specific to your unique needs.

Addressing Anxiety

What is kinesiology good for if not for alleviating anxiety? As we know, anxiety can be debilitating, crippling even. It affects everything ranging from your sleep to social interactions. Your professional aspirations and and your day to day life.

Kinesiology helps identify and release underlying stressors and patterns contributing to your anxiety. Allowing inner calm and flow to flourish in your daily life. By using muscles testing and letting the body take the lead, it will guide us to what needs to be resolved. And rectified... Whether it be a nutritional deficiency, a toxic relationship or simply calming your nervous system. Your body will guide us there.

Easing Worry

Persistent worry is energy draining. It’s like a constant wet blanket, dampening your mood. Especially when we feel there’s always something to worry about- kids, work, finances. There’s always something on your mind. Not only will you feel drained and grumpy but you’ll find it affects your digestive system too.

Kinesiology is an amazing modality for addressing worry. Not only does it reconnect you to your inner knowing and a sense of peace with the balance of things. It also uncovers and clears the patterns, self sabotages, and family habits that that are underlying your tendency to worry.

For example- is there someone in your family who has a tendency to point out things that could happen? That has a tendency to over worry too?

Or do you have a self sabotage running in the background? You’d be surprised at how many people keep themselves in a state of alert and worry. By internally overloading themselves, they’ll avoid ‘tempting fate’. It’s a deep inner programming that sits in our blind spot but as I said, it’s surprisingly common.

Managing Ongoing Stress and Pressure

Do you have a tendency to be a bit of a perfectionist?

Not only overloading yourself with running list what needs to be done, but also, done right?

Maybe you’re in a caring role and have many dependants and responsibilities to juggle?

Or maybe you have a scarcity tripwire that keeps getting triggered? Keeping the stakes high professionally and with the morgage?

So what is kinesiology good for? It helps alleviate this pressure by balancing your body’s energy and enhancing its ability to cope with daily challenges. We ease the overcharge and enhance exactly what’s needed within your system.

Your body will guide us specifically to:

Which acupoints will ease your headaches.

Or the most relevant hypnosis to rewire your subconscious.

Or which flower essences will shift your frequency.

Your body guides us to the most appropriate way to release stress and pressure; adapted to your individual framework.

Clearing Emotional Blocks

Emotional blocks can present in a few different ways. Unresolved grief or anger for example affect how fluidly you'll operate within relationships. We can also store charged emotions in our bodies. Emotions can become trapped through charged events or even how our childhood families responded to them.

Your kinesiologist works to clear these blocks with you. Allowing you to bring them to awareness, reduce their charge and move them through. By doing this, you release old patterns, and inner debris keeping you stuck. Allowing you to up-level into a new inner operating system within.

And as a pleasant side effect- you’ll also improve your relationships and attract similar individuals. The change in your frequency and values will bring more of these people.

Helping with Insomnia

Struggling with sleep issues? Kinesiology will identify the emotional or physical factors disrupting your sleep.

We regularly work with sleep issues in clinic, the most common being-

  • Difficulty getting to or staying asleep

  • Ongoing nightmares

  • Overactive dreams

  • Jaw grinding

  • Rumination.

There are a few different causes of insomnia and sleep disturbances. So, working with a Kinesiologist who knows what to look for and has a varied toolkit, will go a long way in getting a restful night’s sleep.

Unpacking and Resolving Trauma

I’ve worked with many trauma clients over the years and have become quite proficient at clocking a trauma history. Often, clients come into clinic with the aim to reduce some of the ripple effects they're feeling.

These include, but obviously not limited to:

  • Difficulties trusting themselves or others

  • Excessive feelings of guilt

  • Overactive nervous systems and deep core beliefs about themselves.

We never jump straight into the events themselves, but the symptoms that we’re feeling downwind. Gently, gently tracing and resolving it back to the pocket of where it started.

There are so many ways to diffuse the impacts and the charge behind trauma. Without actually feeling like we’ve forced opened pandora’s box. At the end of each session, you always walk out feeling lighter and resolved. Enjoying (of course), the ripple effects of the trauma thread being resolved and healed.

Clearing Negative Beliefs

Negative belief systems are one of my absolute favourite things to work with. So much so in fact that we’ll usually find some in every session. (Booking link here if you’re trying to unravel limiting beliefs)

Why? These beliefs are what define our reality and the lens of the world you’re looking at. They’re blanket statements that will limit what we can and can’t achieve.

They define how easily change happens for you and where your potential is limited to.

They define the filter you use on selecting the people around you.

They affect your mental health and whether you feel deserving of happiness.

They’re even the source of self sabotage.

They are your inner anchors that you need to tidy up and clean up to lift into a better experience of life. They are your ceilings that you limit yourself to.

A very, very common belief, for example, is “I’m not good enough” or “ I don’t deserve XYZ”. Rather than spending your energy moving into goals, dreams and potential fluidly. You’ll bleed internal resources and time, covertly trying to convince others and yourself that you ARE good enough. Clear the belief, and you’ll clear the energy loss trying to prove it.

Aiding in Weight Loss

What is kinesiology good for in terms of physical health? Weight loss can be challenging. But, by addressing the emotional and physical factors that are hindering your progress, you'll get to your weight goals faster . Kinesiology will help you identify:

  • Internal and external stressors

  • Your emotional eating patterns

  • Metabolic imbalances such as thyroid issues

  • Gut health issues

  • Self sabotage programs you may be leaning into.

Addressing Nutritional Deficiencies and Toxicity

When we aren’t feeling our best self, it can sometimes be hard to identify what will actually move the needle for your current state. Is your anxiety stemming from a mindset issue or is your psychology being affected by gut issues (GAPS)?

Maybe you don’t just have a poor memory and simply need to increase Manganese levels?

Maybe your low mood is actually stemming from a deficiency of one of the B vitamins?

With so many variables in our wellbeing and life getting so busy, pinpointing what needs to change and clear up can be confusing. By using Kinesiology and muscle testing to asses what YOUR body is needing or lacking, you’ll avoid a long journey of troubleshooting and get to the impactful solutions, fast.

Uncovering Individual Steps to Wellness

Kinesiology helps you uncover personalised steps to wellness specific to your lifestyle. By tuning into what your body and subconscious are revealing, you can follow the signs to get you back on a road that’s optimal for YOU.

"I have been seeing Alicia for over a year and since I started Kinesiology I have had so many amazing changes in all areas of my life. Alicia is kind, supportive and a great listener. She encourages you to look at beliefs which have been buried and helps you to release these and embed new beliefs. She is amazing at pin pointing what's going on, and what needs to be done to assist me in the best way. I would highly recommend Alicia at Living Vibrance Kinesiology, she is very skilled and gifted and has a beautiful energy."

Kinesiology is more than just a therapy; it’s a journey towards holistic wellbeing.

Ready to try it for yourself? Book yourself in and feel the changes from your very first session. See you soon!

Photo Credit: Matheus Viana


Kinesiology For Weight Loss


Curb Your Inner Critic.