Anger Bach Flower Remedy (30ml)


Anger Flower Essence Blend

Anger Flower Essence blend is for anger and irritation. For any wish to dominate or control. It is ideal for jealousy, bitterness and resentment.

Flower Remedies allow peace and happiness to return to the sufferer so that the body is free to begin healing itself.

They are made from wild flowers and are safe for the whole family, with no possible side effects or possibility of 'overdosing'.

However, please be aware the remedies are preserved in a small dose of brandy and therefore not suitable for anyone with any opposition to alcohol.

Read on below for more details on the Anger Flower Essence Blend

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Anger Flower Essence Blend

Anger Flower Essence blend is for anger and irritation. For any wish to dominate or control. It is ideal for jealousy, bitterness and resentment.

Flower Remedies allow peace and happiness to return to the sufferer so that the body is free to begin healing itself.

They are made from wild flowers and are safe for the whole family, with no possible side effects or possibility of 'overdosing'.

However, please be aware the remedies are preserved in a small dose of brandy and therefore not suitable for anyone with any opposition to alcohol.

Read on below for more details on the Anger Flower Essence Blend

Anger Flower Essence Blend

Anger Flower Essence blend is for anger and irritation. For any wish to dominate or control. It is ideal for jealousy, bitterness and resentment.

Flower Remedies allow peace and happiness to return to the sufferer so that the body is free to begin healing itself.

They are made from wild flowers and are safe for the whole family, with no possible side effects or possibility of 'overdosing'.

However, please be aware the remedies are preserved in a small dose of brandy and therefore not suitable for anyone with any opposition to alcohol.

Read on below for more details on the Anger Flower Essence Blend

Beech: Was described by Dr Bach as the remedy for people who 'feel the need to see more good and beauty in all that surrounds them’. People in a Beech state are intolerant of difference. They lack compassion and understanding of the circumstances and paths that other people are given, and fail to see that they too are working towards perfection in their own ways. Sometimes Beech intolerance is manifested as outbursts of irritability: the remedy helps to encourage tolerance and understanding, and as this happens so the irritability also fades.

Cherry Plum: This fear is very specific: it is the fear that one is going to lose control of oneself and do something dreadful, such as injuring others or harming oneself. Fears of going mad and of acting irrationally are Cherry Plum states. Cherry Plum is also the remedy for a loss of control that has already taken place, because of the frantic fear and dread associated with such situations.

Holly: Is the remedy for very negative, aggressive feelings directed at others - feelings such as hatred, suspicion, envy, spite. The basic problem is an absence of love, and the remedy works to encourage our generosity of spirit and an openness towards others.

Impatiens: Those who are quick in thought and action and who wish all things to be done without hesitation or delay. When ill they are anxious for a hasty recovery. They find it very difficult to be patient with people who are slow, as they consider it wrong and a waste of time, and they will endeavour to make such people quicker in all ways. They often prefer to work and think alone, so that they can do everything at their own speed.

Pine: Helps when we blame ourselves for things done or undone. In a Pine state we may feel guilty even when events outside our control have caused a problem, or we may assume responsibility for mistakes made by others. We suffer needlessly.We sometimes feel so guilty in a Pine state that we end up saying 'sorry' all the time.

Vine: For people who know their own minds and think they know what is best for others. They are strong and enjoy the exercise of power, but in their negative states this can lead them to dominate others by force alone. Tyrannical fathers and overbearing bosses are typical negative Vines, in that they expect absolute obedience from others and will not be overly concerned with winning hearts and minds as long as their orders are followed. In their positive aspect Vine people make wise, gentle and loving guides who can inspire and lead others without resorting to force. When we fall into issuing orders the remedy is given to encourage us to show this positive side.

Willow: For people who feel resentful and bitter about the way their lives have gone. In a Willow state we begrudge others their success and happiness, and are reluctant to admit when our own lives go well. We prefer to grumble, and are prone to resentment and self-pity. The remedy encourages the rebirth of optimism and faith. It helps us feel more generous towards others and more aware that negative thinking can attract the very ill-fortune of which we complain

Flower Remedies are also a fantastic option for anxious dogs and will ease the root cause of their puppy anxiety. Bring your entire family comfort as these are used for children and grownups alike. Use flower remedies for dogs and pets too; they work wonderfully.