Change Bach Flower Remedy (30ml)


Change Flower Essence Blend

In unfamiliar and evolving situations, it can be difficult to remain calm and open-minded. Our instinctive reaction is to stick with what has worked for us in the past rather than adapt and move with the change. This Flower Essence remedy will help you feel more agile and adaptable, foster a growth mindset and enhance emotional regulation.

Flower Remedies allow peace and happiness to return to the sufferer so that the body is free to begin healing itself.

They are made from wild flowers and are safe for the whole family, with no possible side effects or possibility of 'overdosing'.

However, please be aware the remedies are preserved in a small dose of brandy and therefore not suitable for anyone with any opposition to alcohol.

Read on below for more details on the Change Flower Essence Blend

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Change Flower Essence Blend

In unfamiliar and evolving situations, it can be difficult to remain calm and open-minded. Our instinctive reaction is to stick with what has worked for us in the past rather than adapt and move with the change. This Flower Essence remedy will help you feel more agile and adaptable, foster a growth mindset and enhance emotional regulation.

Flower Remedies allow peace and happiness to return to the sufferer so that the body is free to begin healing itself.

They are made from wild flowers and are safe for the whole family, with no possible side effects or possibility of 'overdosing'.

However, please be aware the remedies are preserved in a small dose of brandy and therefore not suitable for anyone with any opposition to alcohol.

Read on below for more details on the Change Flower Essence Blend

Change Flower Essence Blend

In unfamiliar and evolving situations, it can be difficult to remain calm and open-minded. Our instinctive reaction is to stick with what has worked for us in the past rather than adapt and move with the change. This Flower Essence remedy will help you feel more agile and adaptable, foster a growth mindset and enhance emotional regulation.

Flower Remedies allow peace and happiness to return to the sufferer so that the body is free to begin healing itself.

They are made from wild flowers and are safe for the whole family, with no possible side effects or possibility of 'overdosing'.

However, please be aware the remedies are preserved in a small dose of brandy and therefore not suitable for anyone with any opposition to alcohol.

Read on below for more details on the Change Flower Essence Blend

Gorse:  is the remedy for people who have given up belief and hope. Gorse represents a kind of downheartedness because gorse people wilfully refuse to be encouraged, so certain are they that their case is hopeless. If ill, they may think themselves incurable, and that nothing can be done. It is a remedy for uncertainty and loss of faith: if we can be persuaded to see things in a different light there is usually a way forward.

Honeysuckle:  is for people who live in the past instead of the present. They feel that their best days are behind them and that there is little to look forward to, and as a consequence they prefer to dwell on past happinesses (or past misfortunes). In a more minor key, homesickness and nostalgia are also Honeysuckle states. The remedy helps us to learn from and recall the past without needing to relive it, so that we can progress into the present and take joy from today and tomorrow.

Mustard:  Is the remedy for deep gloom and depression that descends for no apparent reason out of a clear blue sky. People in this state often list all the reasons they have to feel happy and contented, but still everything looks black and hopeless to them. The remedy helps to dispel the clouds so that we can once again appreciate the joy and peace in our lives.

Star Of Bethlehem: Is one of the remedies in the traditional crisis formula. It is the remedy for the after-effects of shock, such as is caused by unexpected bad news or any unexpected and unwelcome event. It can be used just as well for the effects of a shock received many years ago, even very early in childhood.This is also the remedy for that sense of emptiness and loss that sometimes occurs when a loved one dies or moves away. Star of Bethlehem is a comforting remedy to take in such circumstances.

Sweet Chestnut: For people who have reached the limits of endurance. They have explored all avenues and see no way out of their difficulties. They feel there is nothing left for them but annihilation and emptiness. In this extreme state, the remedy helps us remain masters of our lives, and renews our hope and strength. Sometimes a way ahead may open even when we expect it least.

Wild Rose: Is for people who have accepted all that life throws at them and have given up the struggle for fulfilment. In this state we resign ourselves to the way things are, to the extent where we don't complain or seem particularly unhappy. Instead we shrug our shoulders - there's no point trying to change things, and just drift along. This remedy helps reawaken our interest in life. In a positive Wild Rose state we are happy-go-lucky. Instead of apathy we feel a sense of purpose that brings increased happiness and enjoyment.

Willow: for people who feel resentful and bitter about the way their lives have gone. In a Willow state we begrudge others’ success and happiness, and are reluctant to admit when our own lives go well. We prefer to grumble, and are prone to resentment and self-pity. The remedy encourages the rebirth of optimism and faith. It helps us feel more generous towards others and more aware that negative thinking can attract the very ill-fortune of which we complain.

Flower Remedies are also a fantastic option for anxious dogs and will ease the root cause of their puppy anxiety. Bring your entire family comfort as these are used for children and grownups as well as any of the flower remedies for dogs and pets too.